Happy Birthday! – Our 5 year anniversary

“How can you tell a good party? – When there’s more food than you need!”

A statement of our guests

And of course the mood of the guests, which was great! There was much talk, laughter and attentive listening.

After a short introduction by our current president with cool fireworks and everything that goes with it, everyone had a brief opportunity to introduce themselves. Despite so many people, this went amazingly fast and everyone got a chance to speak. After we all knew our names & association to our club the buffet started.

As mentioned before there was more than enough and the selection went from cakes to fruit, crepes, cheese & sausage rolls and various salads.

Saturated, Philipp led us through a “panel discussion” with our founders Ingmar, Markus, Max and Ninja. We learned how they got the idea to start their own club and how the process went. An exciting story!

After hearing about the past, Aurelie told us about her dreams for the future and a joint project that she presented to us.

We also had the opportunity to look back at old memories through a slideshow of pictures and enjoyed the good atmosphere with more food!

Of course, the Table Topics were not neglected and we were allowed to choose between questions from the following categories: Past, Present, Future (How appropriately chosen!).

But before the evening ended our evaluators came on stage and gave us a nice review of what we had heard and experienced.

For all those who stayed a little longer, there was then a small musical interlude, which has already been demonstrated in the same place. Thank you founding members, you rock!

An awesome party for an awesome club!

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