Good preparation makes the best performance!


In our June workshop we learned how to give a good speech when there is practically no time to prepare. However, of course it is always better to be prepared! In this week’s workshop, Dominic showed us, how to do this and what can be the positive effects.

Who am I and what am I doing here?

Major part of your preparation is self-perception: Who am I? What are my strengths, my weaknesses? Why did I choose this particular subject? Be aware that your speech can reach people and have an impact! But don’t raise the bar too high: allow yourself making mistakes!

Only one day to go. Are you nervous? Try a visualization: Close your eyes and imagine yourself standing on stage. Imagine looking into the eyes of your audience and feel their interest. Imagine hearing the applause in the end. It might help to write this visualization down.

Nervousness can provide you with energy!

Be aware that nervousness is something positive that can provide you with a lot of energy!

Use body language deliberately! During a little exercise we realized how our body language may impact our mood.

Right before your speech. Move and shake your body. This has a positive impact on your voice as well. Maybe you have a special pose or gesture that provides you with energy. Do some breathing exercises. You may not want to do this in front of the audience, but for sure you will find a quiet place.

Look for a friend in the audience

The time has come: The Toastmaster of the evening invites you to come on stage. Unless you are sitting in the first row, this still leaves you a few seconds. Sing, hum or whistle your favorite song without giving sound. The Toastmaster of the evening welcomes you on stage. And now you are standing there on your own. Wait until the Toastmaster of the evening has taken seat. Take a deep breath. Let your eyes wander over the faces in the front row and try to find a “friend” – someone who is looking at you with a friendly smile. Now you’re ready to go!

In the end of the workshop we applied what we learned in some table topics speeches. And what should it say? It works!


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